In my view, you don’t have awesome people skills until you understand honesty and you apply it effectively in your social interactions. Which most people I believe, do not. Yesterday, I was working with a client on improving one of those key people skills for getting a top job: his interview skills. He was asking […]
Continue reading...The Smart Things to Do For Charity
In the realm of people skills, it seems to me that to do things for charity is generally a much appreciated set of behaviors. This gets me thinking about whether charity activities are truly that good by themselves, or it depends on how exactly you do them. Some friends of mine recently got involved in […]
Continue reading...I Have People Skills!
At a recent training covering certain people skills, one participant kept asking why we’re talking about various stuff, because he’s an experienced manager who knows all this stuff and has good people skills. Later in the training, this participant was involved in a role-play where we observed his people skills, especially those related to conflict […]
Continue reading...Ideas With A Kick Is Now People Skills Decoded
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the brand of my blog, in relation with my brand as a communication coach and my expertise in the area of people skills. And I realized it just doesn’t cut it. So I decided to choose a new name and a corespondent domain for my blog. I am […]
Continue reading...How Knowing Yourself Can Improve Your People Skills
Finding my niche as a communication coach and figuring the lifestyle that suits me was not a revelation, it was a process. One of the stepping stones in this process was knowing myself thoroughly and understanding what I have to offer. An interesting side effect was how much I improved my people skills, as a […]
Continue reading...Taking Success Advice from Successful People Is Not a Good Idea
I was recently watching the last The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, in which he said goodbye to NBC and his fans. His memorable last words were: “If you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen. I’m telling you: amazing things will happen”. I’m sure Conan O’Brien is a cool guy and […]
Continue reading...Debunking Subliminal Tapes
For a lot of the people who know me or read my stuff, I have a sort of reputation as a debunker. A big part of my activity involves discovering and promoting some ideas for personal development and improving people skills, another big part involves showing the flaws in other ideas, to facilitate effective growth. […]
Continue reading...You Can’t Handle the Truth
I remember a conversation I had with a female friend who was telling me upset about a comment her boyfriend made related to her appearance: Her: “He said I have thick thighs. I can believe it!” Me: “I thought you wanted people to be honest with you. And he’s being honest.” Her: “Yeah, but c’mon: […]
Continue reading...Get Your Stuff Together Instead of Using Distractions
To a great extent, I’m a hedonist: I believe in doing the things you enjoy, maximizing your pleasure and not compromising pointlessly. At the same time, I notice that a lot of times, doing the things we enjoy is an ineffective way of running from the things which don’t work in our lives, a way […]
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